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Day Rates 

Locals are welcome to join Oatlands Art Retreat to hear individual speakers, or to attend for individual days. See links below to book!
Contact us if you would like more information.


Speaker: Julie Gough

Sunday 17 November

Time: 6:30pm

Location: The Kentish, Oatlands

Description: Julie Gough's talk will commence at 6:30pm and run for approximately an hour.

Cost: Free

Learn more about Julie Gough here

Speaker: Mat Hinds

Monday 18 November

Time: 6pm (talk starts at 7:30pm)

Location: The Kentish, Oatlands

Description: Enjoy a 2-course meal at The Kentish, followed by a talk from architect Mat Hinds

Cost: $55

Learn more about Mat Hinds here

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Masterclass: Sky painting with Carol Barnett

Tuesday 19 November

Time: 9:30am-1pm

Location: The Old Courthouse, Oatlands

Description: Carol Barnett will demonstrate her process for creating evocative sky paintings, followed by lunch. Optional extra: stay for the whole day and join us for cocktails at the Courthouse at 5pm, followed by a talk from local historian Alan Townsend.

Cost: $68 for the Masterclass and lunch; $100 if staying for full day including talk from Alan Townsend


Speaker: Neil Haddon

Wednesday 20 November

Time: 6pm (talk starts at 7:30pm)

Location: The Kentish, Oatlands

Description: Enjoy a 2-course meal at The Kentish, followed by a talk from artist Neil Haddon

Cost: $55

Learn more about Neil Haddon here

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Oatlands Art Retreat Logo
Acknowledgement of Country


Oatlands Art Retreat takes place in lutruwita/Tasmania, home of the nations of the palawa. We recognise the traditional owners of this country and their enduring custodianship of and belonging to these islands, skies, and waterways.


As a gathering of artists, we honour the stories, songs, art, and culture of the palawa peoples, and we pay our respects to their Elders, past and present. We acknowledge the Aboriginal people who continue to care for this country today and honour their aspirations for the future of their people and these lands.


With thanks to the School of Creative Arts and Media, University of Tasmania
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